Our Services

Schedule your appointment today with our expert educational consultants to explore tailored learning solutions for your needs. Our team is committed to providing comprehensive support and guidance throughout your educational journey.

G.R.O.W. Time Curriculum

Are you looking for a way to engage and inspire your students to be the best version of themselves and plan for their future? 

G.R.O.W. Time is the answer.

The GROW in G.R.O.W. Time stands for Growth, Resilience, Optimism, and Wealth. In this curriculum, students will become more self-aware by learning more about their behavior patterns and how to change them, especially in their relationships with others, and become financially literate. In addition, students will explore options for college and careers to gain a vision of what their lives could be. The curriculum also focuses on SMART goals and how to reach them. In addition, students will learn important life skills, such as understanding contracts, budgeting, how to get their first apartment, and how credit works.  

Customized Curriculum Writing

Are you a motivational speaker, a school district, an industry, or an educator looking for a specialized curriculum best suited for your audience? LBC Educational Consulting offers custom curriculum writing for your purpose and audience.

Professional Development or College & Career Planning

Given your topic, professional development can be tailored to education or industry. If desired, the consulting firm can also deliver your PD.

College and Career Preparation Services are suitable for people of all ages. Using this service, the client will learn the career clusters best suited to them based on their interests, personality, aptitudes, desired work environment, and life goals.

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